So, I've been keeping something from you guys! I've been trying out a new eating plan for 5 weeks now and it's felt so strange to keep it from you all---since I essentially share almost everything about my day to day life. I've waited until the very end of the program to share about it because I ...
Fall Fitness Update
We've NEARLY made it through another week, friends! Today I'm talking all about my Fall Fitness Reset and how it's going! Remember at the beginning of the month I shared a full post about what I was going to try out and WHY I was even doing it? (If you missed my first Fall Fitness, see THIS POST) ...
The Weekend Edit
Happy Friday Friends! It's been a bit since we had a Weekend Edit sesh, but they are definitely posts that I want to start putting out EVERY weekend. I hope that you guys have had a wonderful few weeks. I've throughly enjoyed the end of Summer with my gals and am typing this with tears in my eyes ...
Fall Fitness Reset!
Hi Gang! Can you believe it's August already??? If you read Monday's post, you know that I'm flipping out a little with how quickly life is moving right now. I know that I will come to appreciate the schedule and structure, but dang the anticipation of all of the changes is about to kill me. ...
Amazon Fashion Haul | June!
I get SO excited writing these posts because I know that they're your favs and I just love the hunt of finding treasures on Amazon! This month's Amazon Fashion Haul is the biggest (and the best, IMO) that I've ever published and I'm just a teeny bit happy to share it with you! I tried to hit all of ...
The Weekend Edit
It's Fridayyyyy my friends! Cheers! This week flew by for us and was filled with lots of fun for the girls (and mama)! Read more about our Summer schedule HERE and you'll understand, but on Tuesday and Thursday I take off all day with the gals and this week was extra fun exploring our new town. On ...
Spring Accessory Report to Beat the Winter Blues
Good Morning friends! We are over here on another snow day....wahhhhhhh! It really should be find to drink wine and eat pizza on Whole30 if it's a snow day. Otherwise, it's just plain unfair. To beat the Winter blues, I did some online browsing yesterday for some fun pieces that can be ...
Casual Spring Transition Outfit + A Day in the Life….
Hey gals! Welp, we have a "snow day" here in Charlotte and Landry is home from school for the 2398417923471 day already this year! I swear January is the pits sometimes. Today I'm sharing a favorite casual Spring transition outfit that's easy to throw on and head out of the door, while still feeling ...
Whole30 Diet – Halfway Update
Happy Monday morning, friends! I hope that you are off today and enjoying a relaxing day at home or with your family. Dan let me sneak out really early this morning and I'm cozied up at Starbucks catching up on tons of work. It feels like such a luxury having some alone time to work and knowing my ...
The Sunday Edit
Good Morning Friends! Last week I tried publishing this post on Sunday and it worked out SO well! Seemed like quite a few more of you had time to read the post and engage with it and it gave me Friday off and the weekend to actually thoughtfully work through the Edit post and made it even more fun ...
The Importance of Raising Confident Girls
Good Morning Friends! Sharing a special post with my firstborn baby today. Landry always gets really excited to join me on the blog and loves hamming it up in front of the camera. Today we are talking all about our love for Zella Activewear (did you know that they make it for little girls?!), but ...
The Friday Edit
Ahhhh finally back to you with a Friday Edit! I'm publishing this on a Sunday to see if this is a better time to read it? Tell me in the comments what you think of Sunday vs Friday! I've said it countless times, but these brain dump type posts really are some of my favorites to's what's ...
Whole30 Diet | Round 3 | Week 1
Hi Friends! I cannot believe that it's been a full year since my first Whole30 diet post! Since then, it's completely taken off on my blog and Pinterest and it's now how so many of you have found me. Dan and I were both really ready for another reset after a few weeks (read: months) of really ...
Best of 2017 + My Personal 2018 Resolutions
I truly cannot believe that I'm writing this post recapping 2017, it feels like I was just writing my 2016 recap! It was a whirlwind of a year. A year that brought some of the sweetest blessings, along with many sleepless nights and lots of life lessons. I am thankful for each and every one of the ...
A Day in the Life of a Blogger…
I'm so excited that Christy and Amy of 11 Magnolia Lane asked me to be a part of their Operation Organization: Back to School series. They decided to give it a different spin this time and are now asking a fun group of bloggers to share what a day in the life looks like. This is a post that I've ...