Hi Gals! How are you guys on this Hump Day? First, I want to say thank you SO much for the love on Monday’s Q+A post! I loved writing it, so I will definitely be doing more posts that are similar. Secondly, sorry that this post is a day late, but I literally wanted to do nothing but snuggle my baby all day yesterday…so that’s what I did…I’m sure you understand
For today’s Style Board Series, I was super inspired by floral chiffon maxi dresses. I’ve had THIS one for 3 years now and it’s still going strong in my closet. I use nearly any excuse to wear it and I love how it makes me feel! When I stumbled upon THIS maxi dress as I was adding things to my Prime order I was shocked! Not only by the price, but my the amazing back detailing and that I could have it at my doorstep in 2 days. What a great dress for Summer events! It’s what inspired the entire board this week.
So, tell me…Splurge or Steal???
Splurge: $1,066
Dress | Red Envelope Clutch | Nude Heels | Gold Cuff | Gloss | Tassel Earrings | Brow Bar Sunnies
This dress really isn’t a bad price, especially since I’ve had mine from the same brand for multiple seasons now. I love the colors and the pattern!
Steal: $253
Dress | Blush Envelope Clutch | Nude Heels | Gold Cuff | Gloss | Earrings | Brow Bar Sunnies
Everything here is a total steal! The shoes are the most expensive piece at $79 and with how neutral they are, you’ll wear them a ton! I’m definitely going to be buying this maxi dress as well as these earrings!
I love both of these looks for so many Summer occasions! If you don’t have a dressy maxi dress that you love, trust me in that they come in handy and are SO fun to wear!
See last weeks SBS (Summer Athleisure Momiform)