I've loved partnering with Walmart on all things back to school as I think that they bring style AND affordability to the table and that's really what parents want these days. As learning environments shift this year and many parents opt for a home school environment, I went to Walmart to see what ...
Five Best White and Gold Desks
If you follow along on Instagram, you may have seen that Shop Style Your Senses is getting a brand new warehouse space and we are SO EXCITED! That said, I've been shopping for a few new office pieces, especially desks, and I'm rounding up my TOP FIVE favorite (and affordable!) finds here! All of ...
The Best Sheets + Pillows PLUS, How I Back Sleep!
Today's post has probably been one of the most requested as of late and I finally hit publish!!! I found the most amazing sheets and pillows and it's really taken our bedding and sleep to the next level! I'm also spilling the tea on how and why I sleep on my back, plus some tips and tricks for you ...
Bathroom Organization for Beginners
Let me preface this by saying that I never intended to make a blog post of this, I strictly took these photos to send to my mom so that she may have some sort of satisfaction in that ANYthing she taught me about organization actually stuck. I'll also preface by admitting that I am not in any way an ...
Summer Nights with eBay
I am actually writing this post from the exact space that I am about to share with you. It's quickly become my favorite spot in the house, and not because it's the fanciest, but because it's the most fun and functional. Today I'm sharing a little more about our outdoor space and how to recreate the ...
Playroom Reveal | Dallas Home Edition
Whohoooo for finally pulling together a room playroom reveal!!!! We've been in our home in Dallas for nearly a year and I finally feel like this house has come together piece by piece. Most rooms are 90% done , but honestly the decor has taken a bit of back seat as we try to get settled with school, ...
Dallas Holiday Home Tour 2018
Good Morning, Friends! Welcome to our 2018 Dallas Holiday Home Tour! Originally I wasn't going to do a Home Tour, but I've never NOT done one since starting this blog and I love looking back at years past. See years past here 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. I didn't go all out this year (although if you ...
Easy Holiday Baking Recipes
Good Morning, Friends! I have SUCH an exciting post for you today! I partnered with Macy's to compile to best of the best EASY Holiday Baking Recipes into one post and hopefully it will serve as your go-to source during the Holidays. I love baking, but I like easy recipes that are basically no fail, ...
Master Bedroom Upgrades with Frette Bedding
I can't remember exactly when it happened, but somewhere along the way of decorating three homes, I fell head over heels in love with luxury linens. With more of a "bed in a bag" budget, I would imagine mixing beautiful linens to create my dream bed and think about what colors and pillow ...
Gorgeous Amazon Home Decor Finds
You guys voted on Instastories and Amazon Home Decor finds won by a landslide! I have to admit that I was a little shocked, BUT these finds are SO good that I have been excited to share them with you. We all know that I have an Amazon addiction and as I am beginning to decorate our new house, Amazon ...
Holiday Home Tour 2017
Good Morning! Opening up our home today and inviting you in for a cup of coffee and to check out our decked halls. As some of you who've been here a while know, I started this blog only posting home decor...Landry's nursery was what really propelled this blog from nothing to something and I'm ...
Summer Entertaining with MacKenzie-Childs
Happy Humpday! How's your week going? I can't believe that it's Wednesday already! Today I'm sharing our new found Sunday tradition with you guys that's great for families with a new baby. Since Lawson was born, we definitely don't get out and about as much as we used to (which is probably a good ...
Girl’s Shared Bathroom Reveal!
Hi Friends! Happy Monday! Today I'm starting your week off with a bright and fun room reveal that's LONGGG overdue. Finally showing off Landry and Lawson's lilac shared bathroom! This past winter, with another little girl on the way, I knew that their boring beige shared bathroom needed a major ...
Bright and Bold Baby Girl Nursery Design
Ahhh this is SUCH an exciting post! I've been DYING to finally share our bright and bold baby girl nursery design with you guys and today is finally the day!! If this is your first time here WELCOME (if not, skip to paragraph two lol)! I'm Mallory and this is a Life + Style blog where I make it my ...
Bedroom Refresh with Home Decorators Collection
Today I'm sharing a little update to our Master Bedroom and some step by step details on how to re-create the look of our room with Home Decorators Collection! We completely overhauled this room just over a year ago (see THIS POST), and I'm happy to report that we are still in love with how the ...